Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back in Action...almost

So I haven't written on this particular blog in awhile, but no worries, I've been blogging over at Wordpress for my public relations applications class.

I will be back to general-interest blogging in a few weeks after school gets out, but I'll be revamping my style: I won't be writing motivational posts. I will be discussing specific thoughts that come to mind over the summer. For example, I'll be commenting on books I'm reading, movies I'm watching, my experience with P90X (which I'm pumped about), Cleveland sports, life in Conneaut, Ohio, and whatever else seems to interest me at the time.

What is the point of writing about random things? Well here is the deal: I plan to become a journalist and the best practice is actually to just write. I'm going to share my experiences so I can find my niche and discover my target audience. The best blogs are focused on a specific topic that the author is knowledgeable about, but to be honest, I have no idea what I'm knowledgeable about. So therefore I'll just be rambling exactly like I am now, which proves to me its time to stop writing.

So I'll see you back here on May 10th! Get excited

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